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Book Lovers' Paradise


Nowadays, books have become very costly and dearer; as such, it has become difficult for most of the book-lovers to obtain useful, popular and famous books. Here we offer the following e-books on yoga, philosophy, encyclopedia, computer, mobile, internet, astronomy, languages, English literature, marriage, sex, business, management, photography, finance, accounts, investment, health, personality development, science and also books for children and students at a very affordable price.

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1.       Yoga, Philosophy and Religious

2.       Reference (Others)

3.       For Children

4.       Computer, Mobile and Internet

5.       Astronomy

6.       Language & English Literature

7.       Marriage

8.       Sex

9.       Marital Sex

10.   For Business

11.   Photography

12.   for students and Engineering

13.   Finance, Accounts and Investments

14. Management

15. Health

16. Leadership and Personality Development

17. Science

18. Other General Subjects


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Click on the subject and in the opening page select the e-book of your choice and click on ‘Buy Now’; make purchase of the e-book by paying paypal thro your credit card.Inform the purchase details to and you will be intimated the link where from you can download the e-book.


Our Package


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In case of any difficulty you may contact Mr.D.K.Suresh / Sangeetha Lavanya, the Director.

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Postal address: 36/EWS, near Akshya Bhandar, New Kanthraj Urs Road, Kuvempunagar,Mysore-560023, Karnataka,India.


The End

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