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1.       Reading and Understanding Economics

Part of Packt’s Beginner’s Guide Series, this book follows a sample application, with lots of screenshots, to help you get to grips with the techniques as quickly as possible. Moderately experienced Python programmers who want to learn how to create fairly complex, database-driven, cross browser compatible web apps that are maintainable and look good will find this book of most use. All key technologies except for Python 3 are explained in detail. This e-book contains 336 pages

Price: $3 only


2.       Stock Investing For Dummies

Stock Investing For Dummies, 3rd Edition includes information on stock investing in both bear and bull markets; unique investment segments; stock investing for different types of situations; and examples straight from the real world of stock investing as they have occurred in the past three years. This e-book contains 389 pages

Price: $6 only


3.       Technical Analysis For Dummies


This e-book contains complete Vishnu Puranam by Manmanath Dutt and translated into English by Professor H.H.Wilson. This book was published in 1896. The splendid translation of H.H.Wilson is a great master-piece and that is fully followed in this e-book This e-book contains 479 pages

Price: $6 only


4.       Technical Analysis: The Complete Resource for Financial Market Technicians


Already the most complete, reliable, and objective guide to technical analysis, this book has been thoroughly updated to reflect the latest advances. Selected as the official companion to the prestigious Market Technicians Association CMT program, it systematically explains the field’s principles and techniques, presenting academic evidence and hundreds of illustrations. This e-book contains 700 pages

Price: $6 only


5.       The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets

The Sixth Edition of The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets represents the most extensive revision to date of this market-leading textbook. Drawing from his service as Executive Vice President and Director of Research at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Mishkin provides fresh, thoroughly updated coverage of and many new insights into the monetary policy process, the operation of the Federal Reserve, the regulation and supervision of the financial system, and the internationalization of financial markets. He provides an applications-oriented perspective with numerous applications and special topic boxes that increase students’ interest by showing them how to apply theory to the real world. In addition, Mishkin provides a careful, step-by-step development of models, an approach found in the best principles of economic textbooks, that makes it easier for students to learn. Over 400 end-of-chapter problems aid in reinforcing the essential chapter content.  This e-book contains 850 pages

Price: $4 only


6.       The Value of Money

Why is money more valuable than the paper on which it is printed? Monetarists link the value of money to its supply and demand, believing the latter depends on the total value of the commodities it circulates. According to the author, this logic is flawed. In his view, in any nonbarter economy, the value we assign to money is determined independently of its supply and demand.

Through an original and provocative critique of monetarism, the author advances a revolutionary understanding of macroeconomics that highlights the “propertyist” position of Karl Marx and John Maynard Keynes. Unlike the usual division between “classical” economists (e.g., David Ricardo and Marx) and the “marginalists” (e.g., Carl Menger, William Stanley Jevons, and Léon Walras), Patnaik places “monetarists,” including Ricardo, on one side, while grouping propertyist writers like Marx, Keynes, and Rosa Luxemburg on the other. This second group subscribes to the idea that the value of money is given from outside the realm of supply and demand, therefore making money a form in which wealth is held. The fact that money is held as wealth in turn gives rise to the possibility of deficiency of aggregate demand under capitalism. It is no accident that this possibility was highlighted by Marx and Keynes while going largely unrecognized by Ricardo and contemporary monetarists. At the same time, the author points to a weakness in the Marx-Keynes tradition—namely, its lack of any satisfactory explanation of why the value of money, determined from outside the realm of supply and demand, remains relatively stable over long stretches of time. The answer to this question lies in the fact that capitalism is not a self-contained system but is born from a precapitalist setting with which it interacts and where it creates massive labor reserves that, in turn, impart stability to the value of money. The author's theory of money, then, is also a theory of imperialism, and he concludes with a discussion of the contemporary international monetary system, which he terms the “oil-dollar” standard.  This is an E-BOOK. This e-book contains 278 pages.

Price: $6 only


7.       Understanding Financial Statements, 9th Edition

A comprehensive reference tool for those interested in understanding and interpreting financial statements through a text that prides itself in readability, concise coverage and accessibility.

KEY TOPICS: Financial Statements: An Overview; The Balance Sheet; Income Statement and Statement of Stockholders’ Equity; Statement of Cash Flow; A Guide to Earnings and Financial Reporting Quality; The Analysis of Financial Statements MARKET: The text gives readers the conceptual background and analytical tools necessary to understand and interpret business financial statements This e-book contains 501 pages

Price: $9 only


8.       Development Macroeconomics, 3rd Edition

Since the second edition of this text was published in 1999, both the field of development economics and developing economies themselves have undergone substantial change. Agenor and Montiel have added considerable new material to this third edition, most notably dealing with issues that have risen to prominence in the last decade. . . . This comprehensive treatment of development from a macroeconomic perspective is an indispensable reference for graduate students and faculty. — Choice  Since its first edition, the book has remained the definitive text on the macroeconomics of developing countries. In this third edition, the authors try to cover the latest advances in this rapidly changing field, making the book the most comprehensive source on the subject. — Abstracts of Public Administration, Development, and Environment    For students and teachers of money and finance in economic development, the revised edition is even more comprehensive and inclusive. While maintaining high standards of analytical rigor, the authors model a surprising wide range of tough macroeconomic problems–including the more recent Mexican and East Asian currency crises … an invaluable treatise. This is an E-BOOK. This e-book contains 830 pages.

Price: $6 only


9.       Investor’s Passport to Hedge Fund Profits

A comprehensive guide to international investing. Opportunities to tap into foreign markets and, in turn, entirely new investment universes-that have traditionally been accessible only to hedge fund managers-are at hand, and this book offers you the straight story on how to look abroad for the next addition to your portfolio. Throughout these pages, the authors skillfully demonstrate how active, cutting-edge trading strategies used in domestic markets can be applied effectively overseas. Opening with discussions of the importance of international investing in today’s turbulent markets, this reliable resource quickly moves on to examine the macro relationships between the different asset classes within a given country and shows you how to view those asset classes-stocks, bonds, currencies, and commodities-as a complete picture of what is happening in the investing world.

·                  Addresses the application of strategies to international portfolio development and management

·                  Clearly defines different financial markets and reveals how they can best be accessed and traded

·                  Features information on currency trading and investing in foreign real estate as well as insights on swaps, futures trading, and risk management

The Investor’s Passport to Hedge Fund Profits demystifies international investing and gives you the tools by which to effectively profit from a wide array of asset classes. This e-book contains 355 pages

Price: $9 only


10.  Learn Basics and Techniques in Stocks Trading***

I. We cover the following topics in our C.D and the CD will be supplied :


1.                  An analytical study on Investment: How to find the best  

                suitable investment.  

2.        How does a business develop into Public Ltd Co. thereby floating its public shares

3.                  What is share and what are its advantages


4.                  Primary Market (I.P.O/Public Issue) and Secondary Market

              (Share Market)


5.                  How to apply for public issue and how to choose an I.P.O


6.                  How to enter into Secondary Market?


7.                  Secondary Market as Investment field & Gambling arena: How to distinguish and    play safely


8.                  Picking up shares for Trading & best Return; and Choosing Shares for Investment & Appreciation


9.                  Choosing shares for Investment


10.               Sources of information about Shares and Companies to enable you for Profitable Trading / Investment



11.               What are NSE and BSE, and What are SENSEX and NIFTY? Complete information


 12.            Types of Trading, Techniques of Trading and Methods of Fundamental &  Technical          Analysis    


13.                Factors for Share Movements and Reasons for its’ Volatility



14.                On-line Trading:

(a)              Advantages

(b)              Factors to observe

(c)              Precautions


15.                Other On-line Tradings for more Profitability with  less Investment:-

(a)    Future & Options 

(b) Trading in Commodities 

(c) Forex 

(d) Latest Product: Currency Trading

 Additional Bonus:-

One Free e-book ‘How to become Rich' 

Price: $9 only


26. Indian Accounting Standards

The following is the text of the Accounting Standard (AS) 1 issued by the Accounting Standards Board, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India on ‘Disclosure of Accounting Policies’. The Standard deals with the disclosure of significant accounting policies followed in preparing and presenting financial statements. This standard e-book contains 921 pages.

Price: $6 only


27. New Age of Indian Banking

This book contains 19 chapters, in 377 printable pages, devoted mainly to the study of Commercial Banks, Central Bank, Reserve Bank of India, State Bank of India, Money and Capital Markets, Indian Banking Systems, Banker and Customer Relationship, Operation of Bank Accounts, Collection and Payment of Cheques, Loans and Advances, Types of Securities, Modes of Creating Charge, Guarantee, Letter of Credit, Accounts and Audit of Banks. The last chapter contains multiple choice and short-type questions for the benefit of the candidates who want a deeper insight into Banking.

Price: $5 only


28. A study book on Banking in India

There are many excellent text books on Banking written by well known British and American writers. However, none of these can claim to cover the entire course of study prescribed by the Indian Universities. Moreover, most of these books are above the understanding of an average Indian student of Commerce and Economics. The present book is a humble effort in this direction. The present volume contains 19 chapters devoted mainly to the study of Commercial Banks, Central Bank, Reserve Bank of India, State Bank of India, Money and Capital Markets, Indian Banking Systems, Banker and Customer Relationship, Operation of Bank Accounts, Collection and Payment of Cheques, Loans and Advances, Types of Securities, Modes of Creating Charge, Guarantee, Letter of Credit, Accounts and Audit of Banks. The last chapter contains multiple choice and short-type questions for the benefit of the candidates who want a deeper insight into Banking. This e-book contains 377 pages.

Price: $6 only

29.Managerial Accounting: An Introduction to Concepts, Methods and Uses

Now you can focus on the concepts, methods, and uses of managerial accounting that will prepare you to become an effective manager in today’s business world. This classic MBA text balances managerial accounting coverage with a strong emphasis on management decision-making. You learn how to truly use the financial information, rather than simply perfect your accounting techniques. Core managerial accounting concepts combine with the latest cutting-edge material that’s important to today’s managers and decision makers. You’ll find an emphasis on international issues within today’s globalized business environment, the strategic effects of decisions, a focus on ethics that reflects this area of increasing scrutiny, and emphasis on new management accounting trends. Numerous realistic examples and application problems help emphasize process improvement and the integration of financial reporting issues for management decision-making. You also learn to apply managerial accounting tools to the emerging service sector, government, and nonprofit organizations for ongoing business success. This e-book contains 624 pages and opens in nitro pdf reader.

Price: $6 only

30 Principles of portfolio and Equity Analysis – Workbook

This is a work-book meant for the people who have got already a good knowledge on portfolio and equity management and to  chill their knowledge to practical perfection. CFA Institute is the premier association for investment professionals around the world, with over 101,000 members in 134 countries. Since 1963 the organization has developed and administered the renowned Chartered Financial Analysts Program. With a rich history of leading the investment profession, CFA Institute has set the highest standards in ethics, education, and professional excellence within the global investment community, and is the foremost authority on investment profession conduct and practice. Each book in the CFA Institute Investment Series is geared toward industry practitioners along with graduate-level finance students and covers the most important topics in the industry. The authors of these cutting-edge books are themselves industry professionals and academics and bring their wealth of knowledge and expertise to this series.

After completing this work-book, you will be able to do the following:

_ Explain and illustrate the main functions of the financial system.

_ Describe classifications of assets and markets.

_ Describe the major types of securities, currencies, contracts, commodities, and real assets

that trade in organized markets, including their distinguishing characteristics and major


_ Describe the types of financial intermediaries and the services that they provide.

_ Compare and contrast the positions an investor can take in an asset.

_ Calculate and interpret the leverage ratio, the rate of return on a margin transaction, and

the security price at which the investor would receive a margin call.

_ Compare and contrast execution, validity, and clearing instructions.

_ Compare and contrast market orders with limit orders.

_ Describe the primary and secondary markets and explain how secondary markets support

primary markets.

_ Describe how securities, contracts, and currencies are traded in quote-driven markets,

order-driven markets, and brokered markets.

_ Describe the characteristics of a well-functioning financial system.

_ Describe the objectives of market regulation.

This e-book contains 146 page.

Price: $3 only

31.Profit from Prices


The simple premise of this book is that everybody knows something about something, but the market knows everything about everything. In this book, the author will teach you how to unlock tremendously valuable information for trading stocks just by looking at the four daily prices and how to use it in trading stocks. The secrets I am going to reveal in this book are simple and logical. Not only that, they are very powerful and time-efficient for trading stocks. My exhaustive study of prices, and charts to some extent, reveal consistent patterns that can be profitably used for trading stocks or Futures contracts. Besides prices, I have used various other trading methods, tools and indicators. What I have found is that the four daily prices, OPEN, HIGH, LOW and CLOSE, give us much more than what we need to identify which stock to buy and when. They tell us of a change on the very same day it takes place. Profit From Prices (PFP) signals can be used as a stand-alone trading system; or if you have some strategy/system that works for you, these PFP signals will prove to be a great supplement. This e-book contains 81 pages.

Price: $2 only
