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The Big Black Book of Very Dirty Words

There's a big world of obscenity out there--and you'll explore every profane nook and cranny in this compilation. We're talking about more than 2,000 insults, obscenities, and vulgarities raw enough to make even the most unflappable linguist blush.

This e-book contains 384 pages.

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Price: $5 only



Same-Sex Marriage: The Personal and the Political

In the past three years, Canada has witnessed landmark court rulings in Ontario, BC and Quebec making it legal for gay men and lesbian women to marry. Legislation in the Netherlands and Belgium have also extended marriage to same-sex couples. Legal challenges before the US courts in Hawaii, Vermont, Massachusetts, Oregon and California have had the same goal in mind. The same-sex marriage phenomenon is characterised on the one hand by intense personal joys and on the other by long-standing activism and historic legal reasoning.

This e-book contains 384 pages.

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Price: $3 only


Encyclopedia of Lesbian Histories and Cultures

Here is proof positive that mainstream reference publishing increasingly recognizes the evolution of gay and lesbian studies. Thumbs up to Haggerty and Zimmerman this title (The Encyclopedia of Lesbian and Gay Histories and Cultures) in two volumes is undoubtedly the first relatively thorough reference work that attempts to survey the complex histories and wide cultural diversity of lesbian and gay life. In their introductions, the editors explain why they have chosen to develop separate volumes, edited independently. For this review, the Board has chosen to focus on the work as a whole, rather than on the volumes as separates. The Board feels this reflects the spirit and intent of the work.

This e-book contains 919pages.

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Price: $6 only


Painful Pleasures of The Erotic Art

Discover a world of Painful Pleasures vividly captured and portrayed in some of Lynn Paula Russell's most outstanding work. Many of the illustrations collected here were commissioned by corporal punishment magazines, Februs and Janus. Paula’s drawings are unashamedly erotic and full of the energies and emotions of sex. Her extraordinary imagination and realistic style carry you effortlessly into a realm of fantasy that is as rare as it is wonderful. There is no better guide to this world than the artist herself; by word and image she brings into play her talents and a special insight born of personal experience to show the reader a hidden door to a world of painful pleasures, where Beauty surrenders meekly to her punishment with both love and passion. A Feast of Fantasy 150 brand new, achingly erotic images from an incredible artist. A Voyage of Discovery Take a journey through the world of corporal punishment: young women display their canestriped bottoms; masters punish their errant maids; spectators watch as a female submissive awaits her correction. Paula's Columns A collection of Paula's writings. From her musings on opening a CP academy where, unusually, she is the one in charge to her adventures at the Sex Maniac's Ball where she celebrates winning her award in her own unique way with a thorough spanking.


This e-book contains 135 pages.

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Price: $2 only


Fetish BubbleGirls: Worldwide BubbleGirls photograffitis


Fetish BubbleGirls presents the work of internationally recognized graffiti artist Tilt in an unabashedly new, colorful, and playful volume.

Graffiti has always been an inherently dangerous, high-wire act the execution of art in risky, often illegal situations. And one could argue for a strong parallel that exists between the classic graffiti writing's extensive use of bubbly, curvaceous shapes and the female form. The French born graf writer obsessively explores these tensions and parallels in Fetish BubbleGirls as he explores the world in search of beautiful young canvases on which to execute his art. Although this mission straddles the globe, there is a common thread that emerges as the most striking detail of the project the openness and balance between innocence and playfulness and sexuality and the highly charged environment that all of the models inhabit.


This e-book contains 66 pages.

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Price: $2 only


1,001 Best Places to Have Sex in America: A When, Where, and How Guide

Some people just stick to the bedroom - and the bed, for that matter - when it comes to having sex. But where's the fun in that?

This e-book contains 352 pages.

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Price: $4 only


Age of Innocence


Accompanied by lyrical poetry, this collection showcases the nude portrait photography David Hamilton is known for. You see the photos of innocent girls many time in their nudity.

This e-book contains 220 pages.

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Price: $3 only



Women on Top by Nancy Friday


"The women in this book are searching for erotic choices in their real lives, trying to understand what prevents them from fully realizing these possibilities. Without social inhibitions or pretty language, their sexual fantasies deal with various strategies they have developed to get them past whatever it is in their earlier lives that stands in the way of exploring the limits of their true eroticism."

From Publishers Weekly
Friday's absorbing update of her 1973 classic My Secret Garden demonstrates the intervening empowerment of women by exploring the changes in their sexual fantasies.
Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Kirkus Reviews
Oh, that bathtub faucet.
Only the Water Pik shower massage gets more kudos from Friday's respondents in this sequel to My Secret Garden (1973)--though dogs come in for considerable praise. Friday reports that, while this project was underway, a friend asked her whether she was writing ``another of your masturbatory books, Nancy.'' Friday was affronted, believing that her books open up discourse on taboo subjects, break new ground in exposing the inner lives of half of the human race, help people feel they're normal, promote understanding between the sexes, etc. And perhaps they do--but it cannot be denied that fully 75% of this book consists of women's first-person X-rated fantasies. Friday's role as commentator on the fantasies may prompt irreverent associations with the impassive, analytical doctors once used to introduce porn films and lend them an air of legitimacy. Her conclusions are: that the generation of women now in their 20s are less abashed about their sexuality than the women in My Secret Garden; that they are comfortable with masturbation; relish their power rather than seek to be overpowered by a man; and sometimes are so angry and fed up with men that they turn to other women. Some of Friday's sweeping generalizations may cause controversy, such as her analysis that feminists hate porn not because it victimizes women but because they can't accept that other women actually enjoy flaunting their power so flagrantly. One thing is for sure: Women have made no progress, judging from these accounts, in finding an erotic language of their own but are relying on the same old blunt, aggressive, consonant- constricted terms of men's porn. Women speaking of ``getting their rocks off'' just doesn't cut it--but maybe that's a subject for a future Friday project. -- Copyright ?1991, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

This e-book contains 576 pages.

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Price: $3 only


Hypnotic Music for Sensual Trance during Massage


For erotic massage and making love. You’ll hear soothing music, combined with trance-inducing theta waves resulting in a shared, eyes-open altered state of consciousness. Embedded in the music are sensual subliminal suggestions. The expected result is an enhanced sexual union a merging of two souls who experience each other at a deeper level.

Lovers may perceive shared visions. Some have reported feeling an a new sense of oneness. Others have claimed a soul-bonding afterglow which lingered long after making love. Use regularly to enhance effectiveness. When you’re both ready to fully awaken, count yourself up from one to five and say the words, Wide Awake.
The Subliminal Suggestions

The following words are repeated over and over behind the music unheard by your conscious mind, but perceived by your unconscious. Sensual. Bonding. Seductive. Love. Sex. Union. Two into one. Arousal. Desire. Passion. Merge soul energy. Become one. Longing. Attain wholeness. Completeness. Love. Beloved. Whispered words. Whispered desires. Love. Passion. Melding. Merging. Intensity. Excitement. Love. Passion. Hunger. Thirst. Love. Craving. Carnal. Heat. Urgency. Love. Flesh. Tantalizing. Zeal. Stroking. Fondling. Love. Taste. Rhythm. Passion. Love. Satisfaction.


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Price: $3 only




The Ultimate Guide to Kink: BDSM, Role Play and the Erotic Edge


The Ultimate Guide to Kink is the first major guide to BDSM in a generation��a bold and sexy collection of essays that run the gamut from expert how-to tutorials to provocative essays that delve into complex questions about desire, power, and pleasure. The book brings together diverse voices from the kink community in an unprecedented way: each chapter is written by a different sexuality/BDSM educator. Divided into two sections, the first section features thorough, thoughtful pieces��on everything from flogging to bondage��packed with techniques and beautifully illustrated with original images from artist Katie Diamond.

This e-book contains 475 pages.

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Price: $6 only




What Women Want--What Men Want: Why the Sexes Still See Love and Commitment So Differently


From Library Journal
In this book, Townsend makes years of scholarly research accessible to the general public. The research, including 2000 questionnaires, 200 interviews, and an extensive bibliography, indicates that men and women across many cultures have evolved a psychobiological response to sexual relationships. Men want young, beautiful women and casual sexual relationships; women look for committed relationships with men of wealth and status. Even among "liberated" individuals, these statements hold true. Townsend, a professor of anthropology who has published many scholarly articles, explores why this hasn't changed despite the changing sex roles and economies of modern American society. A well-written, well-researched, and fascinating read; recommended.?Elizabeth Caulfield Felt, Holland Lib., Washington State Univ., Pullman

From Kirkus Reviews
Forget the sexual and feminist revolutions, says Townsend; men and women want what they have always wanted over the decadesand centuries and millennia, for that matter. In a nutshell, posits Townsend (Anthropology/Syracuse Univ.), men who engage in dating and mating are looking primarily for physical attractiveness in women; women seek men who have status and earnings power and who will emotionally and materially invest in them. Such proclivities, he argues, are largely hard-wired into us by evolutionary psychology. Thus, for example, studies show that men are far more easily aroused by visual stimuli, while womens fantasies deal more with men who will provide security and caring (thus, pornography is overwhelmingly purchased by males, romance novels by females). Such proclivities are little affected by some womens newfound economic status; even economically self-sufficient or otherwise high- achieving women, such as medical students, often resist dating lower-status men, even if theyre perceived as handsome. Nor does marital status or gender orientation play much of a role (Townsend cites studies that reveal that the differences between what gays and lesbians seek in lovers are even more pronounced than between male and female heterosexuals). But his book suffers from methodological (not to mention stylistic) problems. Townsends sample of interviewees is somewhat skewed (a quarter of these 200 were medical students, while another quarter were Mexican-Americans); some of his statistics are meaningless (Blumstein and Schwartz found that women in their twenties with three children have a 72 percent chance of remarrying, while women in their thirties with no children have a 60 percent chance); and he also is too focused on the macro picture; there is almost nothing here about how individual psychology or cultural conditioning affects the search for, and selection of a partner. An interesting but flawed sociobiological analysis what men and women want from each other.


This e-book contains 304 pages.

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Price: $4 only


Secrets Of Female Sexuality


Why Do Most Men Fail To Turn On Their Woman?
It's Because They Don't Know The TRUTH About Female Sexuality.
A Dirty Little Secret 'Polite' Society Hopes You Never Learn


This e-book contains 65 pages.

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Price: $2 only


Studies in Human Sexuality: A Selected Guide


Frayser, an anthropologist active in research on human sexuality, and Whitby, a professor of librarianship, have revised and expanded their well-received 1987 guide to the literature of human sexuality. Their purpose, explained in the preface, is to provide scholars, professionals, students, and laypersons with a comprehensive guide to the best books in English. Coverage is broad and includes medicine, psychology, anthropology, sociology, religion, law, education, history, literature, and the arts. The preface also notes trends in publication and the growth of the literature.


This e-book contains 737 pages.

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Price: $5 only


Sexual Odyssey

This e-book contains 160 pages with full of drawing of erotic subject.

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Price: $4 only



What You Really Want: The Smart Girl's Shame-Free Guide to Sex and Safety


In this empowering, accessible guide, Jaclyn Friedman co-editor of Yes Means Yes gives young women the tools to decipher the modern world’s confusing, hyper-sexualized, sometimes dangerous landscape so they can define their own sexual identity. Friedman decries the hypocrisy and mixed messages of our culture (we’re failures if we don’t act sexy, but we’re sluts if we actually pursue sex; we need to be protected from rapists lurking in bushes, but deserve whatever we get if we have a drink at a party and wear a skirt), and encourages readers to separate fear from fact, decode the damaging messages all around them, and discover a healthy personal sexuality.


This e-book contains 352 pages.

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Price: $4 only




Art of Approaching – How to Meet Any Woman without Rejection

The Art of Approaching” has complete reference material with real world examples to transform you into a female magnet. It contains real world examples of how and when to apply the techniques.

You’ll discover:
-The single most important factor to control if you ever want to have a romantic
encounter with the woman of your dreams
-Discover WHY beautiful women wind up with an “average Joe”…
and how you can exploit the answer to get the girl you want
-One simple yet extremely effective standing posture that women swoon over!
-Uncover the 6 dead giveaways that reveal IF a woman is interested!
-5 very common tell-tale signs that expose her interest in you!
-The Golden Rule of picking up women that maximizes your chances of finally
getting the girl you want
-The single most important thing you must develop BEFORE you can enjoy the benefits
of meeting and enjoying women
-How to quickly and easily avoid “psyching” yourself out of approaching
your "choice"
-How to overcome the self-defeating behavior that gives the “scent”
of insecurity!
-5 counter-productive actions that RUIN your opportunity to get the girl you
-How to eliminate 5 destructive habits you can’t ignore IF you want to
meet the women of your dreams.


This e-book contains 341 pages.

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Price: $6 only



Sex and the Brain:  the neuroscience of how, when and whom we love


This book is structured around the way your brain encounters and experiences various kinds of love,

beginning with prenatal influences and continuing through parental love, friendship, sex, romance,

marriage, religious love, and beyond. It is based on the indisputable evidence that we are hardwired to

connect to one another. Love is who we are.


This e-book contains 168 pages.

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Price: $3 only





How Sex Works


We’re here to explore human sexuality from beginning to end—what we like and why we like it; how it makes us feel; how it can go wrong; and how human intervention,

through cultural traditions, scientific discovery, or both, can divert nature’s path—across history, geography, culture, gender, and orientation . . . how sex works.Why are women biologically driven to find Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome? Can more sex help ensure a safe pregnancy?
What effect does pornography have on a man's fertility? In this compelling follow-up to the New York Times bestseller Survival of the Sickest, Dr. Sharon Moalem takes us on a trip from prehistory to the forefront of cutting-edge medical research, and through a bedroom or two, to tell the story of how human sexuality has developed over time. How Sex Works challenges common perceptions about our bodies and provides astonishing discoveries from the frontiers of science as it traces the transformation of sex across species and through time to its current role in human societies. Find out the answers to such provocative questions as:

* Can the birth control pill influence the type of men women are attracted to?
* What do men and honeybees have in common when it comes to sex?
* Why do hourglass-shaped women tend to be especially fertile?
* When are women most likely to cheat?
* Can twins have different fathers?


This e-book contains 290 pages.

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Price: $3 only





Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women


Many women are intrigued by the idea of exploring anal eroticism, but may be uncertain how to proceed or hesitant to discuss the issue with a partner. User-friendly, sexy, honest and fun, The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women offers comprehensive information on all aspects of anal eroticism for all women heterosexual, bisexual or lesbian


This e-book contains 150 pages.

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Price: $3 only




Sexology (Classic Reprint)

We present this work with pardonable pride, believing it will be the means of saving many lives and a vast amount of suffering and needless unhappiness. The importance and demand lor a work of this character cannot be doubted. Its need ha3 been announced upon the floor of the Senate Chamber; in resolutions adopted by Church Assemblies; in the Pulpit; in our Religious and Medical Journals; and the need of the knowledge it contains is evidenced by the newspapers, in their daily records of disagreements, separations, desertions, seductions, adultery, insanity, suicide, murder and death, the cause of which in almost every case is admitted by all authorities and shown by the Records of our Courts to be ignorance of the Laws of Kature, of self and of sex.


This e-book contains 244 pages.

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Price: $3 only





Psychology of Gender and Sexuality


Gender and sexuality permeate our lives and have a profound influence on who we are and what we feel, think and do. This book provides a fundamental and wide-ranging introduction to different psychological approaches to this field. It reviews both traditional and current theorization, reflecting the contradictory approaches that try to explain how gender and sexuality are acquired, their impact on identity, and their influence on life-styles, life-opportunities and life-choices. Using examples that are highly relevant, it encourages the reader to explore the implications of the various theoretical approaches for men and women and their relationships with each other.


This e-book contains 320 pages.

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Price: $4 only





Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Sex and Science


The best-selling author of Stiff turns her outrageous curiosity and infectious wit on the most alluring scientific subject of all: sex.


This e-book contains 320 pages.

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Price: $4 only




Sex in Human Loving


This book is based on the Jake Gimbel Sex Psychology lectures which the author was privileged to gibe at the University of California in april and May of 1966.

This e-book contains 258 pages.

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Price: $3 only



Nude Photography: The Art and the Craft


Follow practical advice from nude photography experts and learn to create picture-perfect results every time with this master class in photographing the human form. Everything's covered, from working successfully with amateur and professional models to getting great results in your own home or outdoors. Find tips on setting up a shoot, lighting effects, and post-production techniques, so you can turn a good picture into a really great one. Get inspired by a stunning quot;Photographer's Galleryquot; featuring the work of an international panel of photographers, from Andreas Bitesnich and Sylvie Blum, to Allan Jenkins and Almond Chu.
About the Author: Pascal Baetens is a Belgium-based professional photographer who specialises in portrait, glamour, fashion and travel assignments. His work has featured widely in magazines, books, and exhibitions throughout Europe and North America.


This e-book contains 256 pages.

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Price: $4 only



Sex and Satisfaction: 20 Erotic Stories


Sex and Satisfaction has been our bestselling title with three reprints to date. We can only assume that this follow up will be equally successful. Following customer feedback we are starting to feature men on our Xcite covers - this is the first one to do so. A recent focus group of Xcite customers gave the new look an 89 per cent approval rating


This e-book contains 208 pages.

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Price: $3 only



Language and Sexuality

This accessible book looks at how we talk about sex and why we talk about it the way we do. Drawing on examples that range from personal ads to phone sex, sado-masochistic scenes to sexual assault trials, this work provides a clear introduction to the relationship between language and sexuality. Using a broad definition of "sexuality", it encompasses not only issues surrounding sexual orientation and identity, but also questions about the discursive construction of sexuality and the verbal expression of erotic desire.

"This important book forthrightly approaches contemporary questions regarding language and sexuality, raising a variety of important issues.... This solidly researched and argued book brings a wealth of research from a range of fields into a coherent discussion of the emerging field of language and sexuality. Highly recommended." Choice

This e-book contains 208 pages.

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Price: $3 only




Sexual Science, Including Manhood, Womanhood, and Their Mutual Interrelations


General Books publication date: 2009 Original Publisher: National Pub. Co. Subjects: Women Sex Sexual ethics Marriage Phrenology Hygiene, Sexual Family


This e-book contains 758 pages.

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Price: $5 only




Sex for Dummies


Does Viagra work for women? What are the side effects from using Uprema? And what the heck is Zonagen? If you thought sex hasn't changed much over the years you've got a lot to learn, and Dr. Ruth is the one to tell you all about it!
Dr. Ruth is back with a new edition that tackles the hottest, most current sexual issues. Updated material includes expanded coverage of medical concerns -๓ from prostate cancer and Viagra to birth control and sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, expert advice cuts through the medical jargon and presents the latest and most comprehensive information on AIDS๓from new statistics and research to current treatments. New and updated illustrations supplement no-nonsense advice on everything from puberty to procreation, and expanded coverage of cybersex resources offers tips for exploring sex on the Internet to enhance understanding and increase enjoyment while protecting kids from inappropriate websites. Sex For Dummiesฎ, 2nd Edition provides you with the information you need to make smart choices about your sexuality.


This e-book contains 432 pages.

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Price: $5 only





Sex - What About It -


Nobody talks about it. Now, for the first time, we will help you discriminate about this complex subject. A 6 CD set answers your questions.
Prerequisite: Release Technique graduates only.


This is an audio e-book

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Price: $3 only




KISS Guide to Sex


The Keep It Simple Series the greatest guides ever! Unlock your true sexual potential with DK's KISS Guide to Sex. Become aware of the signals to give and look for on your first date. Learn what excites you sexually. You'll uncover the pitfalls of sex and how to avoid getting hurt-physically and emotionally. Unravel the secrets of love and sex and how they affect your brain. You'll be amazed at the range of toys and games than can enliven your sex life. Build on your sexual knowledge to enhance lovemaking. The Keep It Simple Series is the new standard in how-to books! Written by leading experts, each book includes full-color photographs and illustrations throughout, making these the first and only truly accessible guides for beginners. The KISS format is designed to help readers build confidence from the start, and learn gradually and thoroughly to the very last page. Much more than introductions to various subjects, these inspiring and innovative books are the ones that readers can trust!
About the AuthAnne Hooper is an accredited member of the British Association of Sexual and Marital Therapists (BASMT) and is registered with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapists (UKCP). She is the author of Dorling Kindersley's bestselling titles Anne Hooper's Ultimate Sex Guide, Pocket Sex Guide, Anne Hooper's Kama Sutra, Anne Hooper's Ultimate Sex Pack, Anne Hooper's Ultimate Sexual Touch, Anne Hooper's Sexual Intimacy, and Great Sex Guide. Founder of the Women's Sexuality Workshop (UK) and former Director of the Forum Clinic, she was for many years Associate Editor of Penthouse Forum.


This e-book contains 400 pages.

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Price: $3 only


Yes Means Yes: Getting Explicit About Heterosex


Exploring female sexuality from a cultural studies perspective, this book acknowledges women's diverse sexual desires and pleasures. Arguing that mass media has advanced beyond most feminist theory to consider the reality of female sexuality, it disregards the notion that women who actively want or seek out sex are in some way unfeminine or even masculine. Instead, it presents a more accurate and powerful picture of female sexuality. Topics include the ethics and nature of heterosexuality, sex and violence, fetishes, straight feminism, experts versus sexperts, and many more.


This e-book contains 225 pages.

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Price: $4 only



Playboy's Nudes – 2011 & Playboy's Nudes – 2012


Playboy's Nudes – 2011:- Waiting for you between the covers of Playboy's Nudes are sensuous women who understand what sexy is all about!

This e-book contains 97 pages.

This is an e-book and this e-book will be written in a CD and the CD will be sentPlayboy's Nudes:- – 2012Waiting for you between the covers of Playboy's Nudes are sensuous women who understand what sexy is all about!

This e-book contains 100 pages.

This is an e-book and this e-book will be written in a CD and the CD will be sent


This is an e-book and this e-book will be sent to your email.

Price: $3 only



Erotic Ambiguities: The Female Nude in Art Book


McDonald (fine arts, Univ. of Melbourne) presents an academic-style volume based upon the unquestionable fact that ambiguity exists in the perception or reading of successful visual art but also adds the proposal that "art is always erotic." The venue for examining these issues is mostly feminist performance body art as seen in photography and on screen. These works are viewed through the theories of Lacanian psychoanalysis, deconstructivism, and dissertations covering the conceptual ideal of an erotically female body as seen in poststructuralist feminist criticism, notably Judith Butler's Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (LJ 12/89). Most of the illustrations document work created by women of Australia, including the Aborigine, and much of the feminist imagery in the roughly 75 plates is fairly recent or little known, making this an important offering to those looking for work produced outside the usual centers. McDonald, however, steps beyond her topic of the "degendering" of feminist body art and criticism and tarnishes the subject by writing on deregulating intergenerationalist sex (e.g., "it is possible to conceive of a society in which sexual relations between children and adults, including incest, might be permissible and even desirable for all concerned"). Not recommended.AMary Hamel-Schwulst, formerly with Towson Univ., MD. This e-book looks like Xeroxed copy of the original


This e-book contains 256 pages.

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Price: $4 only




The Naked and the Lens: A Guide to Nude Photography Book

The Naked and the Lens is designed as both a technical guide and an artistic inspiration. Filled with beautiful images of the nude form, it also shows you how this can be technically achieved. The book covers key topics: concept, lighting, directing, post-production, and artisic re-interpretation and how to find models. Legal and photo release issues are covered as well.
The techniques are up-to-date, including Photoshop CS4, RAW capture and shooting with a gray card to capture accurate white balance information. The lighting section will also show how to get studio quality light from hot-shoe flashes by adapting them to umbrellas and soft boxes.
Regardless of whether you are shooting in a studio or in a field, this book will show you how to create works of art with nude bodies and it will also teach through advice in a unique interview section with leading nude photographers around the world through their words and their images.
Lavishly illustrated by contributors from around the globe
Covers photographing art nudes from concept to completion
Includes lighting, working with models, legal issues, and post-production
Bonus interviews and expansive resources on

keep visiting our site to download Photoshop graphics free pdf books by rapidshare mediafire and to get The Naked and the Lens: A Guide to Nude Photography fro megaupload or torrent.

This e-book contains 248 pages.

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Price: $4 only



How sex works

Why are women biologically driven to find Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome?
Can more sex help ensure a safe pregnancy?
What effect does pornography have on a man's fertility?

In this compelling follow-up to the New York Times bestseller Survival of the Sickest, Dr. Sharon Moalem takes us on a trip from prehistory to the forefront of cutting-edge medical research, and through a bedroom or two, to tell the story of how human sexuality has developed over time. How Sex Works challenges common perceptions about our bodies and provides astonishing discoveries from the frontiers of science as it traces the transformation of sex across species and through time to its current role in human societies.

Find out the answers to such provocative questions as:

* Can the birth control pill influence the type of men women are attracted to?
* What do men and honeybees have in common when it comes to sex?
* Why do hourglass-shaped women tend to be especially fertile?
* When are women most likely to cheat?
* Can twins have different fathers?

This e-book contains 290pages.

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Price: $4 only





How to Become a Porn Director: Making Amateur Adult Films


lly a simple how-to-guide on filming your own porn video. This easy, step-by-step guide, walks you through the basics of making and directing an amateur porn video without having a Hollywood budget. Chapters include: Equipment on a Bare Skin Budget,Woodsmen Nymph's; Lights, Cameras, Sex and much, much more. If you have ever dreamed of becoming a porn director or just wanted to make a sexy amateur video this book is for you. Packed full of tips, tricks and techniques this guide can help jump start your porn directing career. Look for these other best selling titles: "Sexual Psychic Seduction". "Asian Dreams", 'Blonde, Beautiful and Bare Naked", "Latin Lust" and "Big Chests Small Breasts".


This e-book contains 104 pages.

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Price: $6 only






Glamour & Nude Photography


What Is Glamour Photograph?

 Is it the raw sexuality of the pictures in "hard-core" magazines?

 Is it the "cute" nudity of a Playboy centerfold?

 It is the classic nude figure-study modeled after the great sculptors and painters of the ages?

 Is it the sleek sensual womanliness of a fully clad model in Vogue and Cosmopolitan?


 The answer is that all the preceding images can be correctly described as types of glamour photography.

This e-book contains 40 pages.

Price: $6 only



